Water I Love You / thank you water in Community Commons Visit to the Thames

In July of 2023 post Camino, on a bit of a whim after landing in London, I touched base with Mali, the coordinator of the Water I Love You platform now known as _thank you water_. While we had never met, we had been following one another and sharing each other’s messages about water on social media for months. I took a chance and sure enough she was right around the corner from where I was staying in the outskirts of the city.
It was an honor to visit the place where artists, environmental advocates and community leaders have been gathering for decades to defend human rights and rights of nature.
We did what any good waterkeepers would do on a Full Moon and had an impromptu water ceremony! We set a beautiful altar with flowers and herbs and sacred water we had each collected, getting to know one another by our sacred gifts through mandala making, singing and creating intention filled offerings to bring to the water that evening. We set out on bicycle with baskets overflowing and eventually landed at a bit of beach on the Thames at low tide. Such a gift to meet another sister in the good work supporting her family, her community and echoing wherever she can the beauty and importance of clean water.
Thank you water for bringing us all together.
#FollowingOurElders #wateriloveyou #thankyouwater #WaterisLife #FourDirections #weaving #rightsofrivers #rightsofnature
Please follow her work and play and sacred offerings at _thank you water_.