We are building curriculum for those wanting to deepen their relationship with the Water across cultures, philosophies and sectors.

These are some of the folks we learn from, the teachers and reservoirs of knowledge we benefit tremendously from swimming in.

Work that Matters.

The beauty of the work is that it evolves. New voices. New articulations. Each new piece giving us more and more the big picture, more and more to be grateful for. In 2023, we are excited to grow, to expand, to embrace the bigger picture of what is moving in our world. The work of water is complex - it touches all of life. It touches all of us in our deepest places of memory. It is here that we arrive in this time - the deepest layers of memory we can access - deep time, deep space, the thin red thread, the stream of ancestral memory, remembering to tend our hearts and bodies, remembering to tend the water and the land.


Work that matters

Ancient Spirit rising

Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community by Pegi Eyers

Spiritual Ecology, Social Justice, Re-landing & the Ancestral Arts

“The work of untangling from colonial structures and re-rooting in ancestral practices has emerged as a quintessential learning and unlearning for our times. There is no escaping what actually happened, try as we might, but we have the depth and capacity to do the work. Pegi Eyers sets the standard for research and practice in this work.” - Shannon Michaela Doree Smith, WoW

“The award-winning book Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community by Pegi Eyers delves into intercultural competency skills, the path to reconciliation, and earth connectivity for all peoples.  With extensive notes and exhaustive references, Ancient Spirit Rising digs deep, and provides clear and concise guidelines to important questions. What were the foundational nation-to-nation agreements in the Americas? What can be done to right the wrongs of history? How can we effectively make change?”

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Rest is Resistance: A MANIFESTO
(and other brilliant ideas)

Tricia Hersey’s beautiful work braves the landscape of interconnectedness in spaces of oppression and modernity. Hersey peels back the curtain to reveal the ways our out dated and crumbling systems are still at it - while the simplest of antidotes, may lead us to the most glorious of outcomes. Easily free from the shallow capitalist mutations of popular interpretations of ‘embodiment’ work,' Rest is Resistance is an authentic inquiry and treasure for the real of work of somatics for liberation.” - Shannon Michaela Doree Smith, WoW

“This book is rooted in spiritual energy and centered in Black liberation, womanism, somatics, and Afrofuturism. With captivating storytelling and practical advice, all delivered in Hersey’s lyrical voice and informed by her deep experience in theology, activism, and performance art, Rest Is Resistance is a call to action and manifesto for those who are sleep deprived, searching for justice, and longing to be liberated from the oppressive grip of Grind Culture.” - The Nap Ministry

Learn More at The Nap Ministry website

Work that reconnects

The subversive act of loving being alive.

The Work That Reconnects, based in the teachings of Joanna Macy, follows a Spiral of practices: Gratitude, Honoring Our Pain for the World, Seeing with New/Ancient Eyes, and Going Forth. Learn about the Spiral and how this Work can support you in facing the crises of our time.

“The Work that Reconnects helps people discover and experience their innate connections with each other and the self-healing powers of the web of life, transforming despair and overwhelm into inspired, collaborative action.” ~ Joanna Macy

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Somatic Abolitionism & Reparative communal consultation

Somatic Abolitionism is a living, embodied practice and culture that requires endurance, adjustment, stamina, and discernment. These can be built, day by day, through reps. These communal life and invitational reps will temper and condition your body, your mind, and your soul to hold the charge of race.

“Trauma decontextualized in a person looks like personality. Trauma decontextualized in a family looks like family traits. Trauma in a people looks like culture.” — @ResmaaMenakem

Resmaa’s book, My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Mending of Our Bodies and Hearts, invites us to listen more deeply to the information held within our bodies. This historical and present gift, is key to untangling generations of trauma for bodies of all colors and place. It is what will allow us to build a new culture - one no longer centered around the distortions of supremacy - but on stronger foundations of communal respect.

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voices of the wells

Author Sharon Blackie gifted us the book, If Women Rose Rooted, taking us with her on a journey to restore the archetype of the Well Maiden within. Her story is our story - heeding the call of the water, learning our ancestral myths, and once again becoming the Voices of the Wells to lead ourselves, and one another, out of the ‘Wasteland’.

In addition to her available books, she offers a series of online courses, including Voices of the Wells.

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Nothing compares to her

Nothing Compares tells the story of Sinead O’Connor that reveals something about not only who she was and is, but who we are, in our work towards collective liberation.

Her memoir Rememberings is smart, quirky, profoundly mystical, profoundly human, profoundly woman. It is available on audio with Sinead herself narrating.