Brigid’s Day
Global Pause for Peace Feb 1st
Inspired by Brigid, a woman of peace, we invite you and people around the world to join with us for 1 minute’s silence/reflection and build a spirit of global solidarity for peace.
Venue: Wherever you are
Time: 12.00 Mid-day
Let us be instruments of peace as we unite around the world to send out a blessing of peace.
Brigid's Day Devotion
‘Living Wisdom: Meditations and Practices for a Compassionate Life’ to support World Interfaith Harmony Week 2025 hosted by the RISE sector of the Charter for Compassion.
Join us as we begin with 'Brigid's Day Devotion' on February 1st honoring Brigid through daily devotional practices, the lighting of the flame, through her inspiration as a universal Goddess, a Saint, and as a Woman of Peace. We will celebrate Her day with prayers, poems, stories, and songs and a moment of silence answering the call of the people of Kildare, Ireland for a Global Pause for Peace on Brigid's Day. All are welcome.
Féile Bríde 2025
A week long festival in Brigid’s ‘homelands’ of Kildare - Cill Dara - the Church of the Oak. This year marks the 10 year anniversary of Solas Bhride Centre, home to Brigid’s Perpetual Flame and includes the central annual AFRI conference for Peace and Justice. Some events are available online. Full schedule at the link.
Exhibit: The Book of Kildare by Josephine Hardiman
If you are fortunate enough to be in Kildare to celebrate, don’t miss the inaugural exhibition of the 80 original pages of The Book of Kildare. Naas Library & Cultural Centre, opening on Thursday 30th January, at 5.30pm. If you’re further afield, you can see Josephone talk about this labor of absolute love in the RTE “Finding Brigid” documentary on this page under resources and learn more or buy a copy via the artist’s website.
Brigid of Faughart Festival
Since 2008 a dedicated group of women (ever changing and evolving) has kept the flame of Brigid burning in the form of the Brigid of Faughart Festival. In 2024 we saw that flame blaze throughout this land and beyond, celebrating 1500 years since the saint’s death. 2025 holds a quieter reflection.
St. Brigid’s Imbolc Family Concert - NYC
If you are in NY, you can join the Irish Arts Center’s family friendly Imbolc celebration with Mil’s Trills, a Brooklyn-based children’s music project led by the GRAMMY-nominated producer, performer, and composer Amelia Robinson. Welcome the coming of spring with songs in the spirit of St. Brigid.
Brigid: Rebirth of the Mother, a Story for Brigid's Day on Knotwork Storytelling
The goddess Brigid is known to be a daughter of Dagda, “the Good God.” But who was her mother?
Laura Murphy tells her own story of Brigid’s birth at Newgrange. The child comes from the milky way, the way of her mother, the goddess Bóinn.
Laura is an activist, healer and Poet in Residence for Herstory, the powerful movement in Ireland dedicated to the stories of modern, historic, and mythical women.
"Finding Brigid" Documentary
Release Date - Tue 31 January 2023
As Ireland prepared to celebrate its first public holiday dedicated to a woman, RTE broadcast this timely documentary of why Brigid is emerging as an important figure for our time. Herstory's Melanie Lynch and Laura Murphy join Derry Girls star Siobhán McSweeney as she gathers a “mnásome” in a stone circle in Galway in her quest for the Real Brigid.
Solas Bhride
All things Solas Bhride, from the history of Brigid of Kildare in story and in myth, to the Relighting of her Flame and how the Brigidine Sisters are continuing her enduring legacy in Ireland and abroad.
Brighid TG 4 Documentary
TG 4 Documentary. “The common image of Brighid is one of a one-dimensional saint of quaint crosses and rural customs. In this programme, we see a completely different Brighid: a god, a female trinity who pre-dates Christianity and will survive it, a bountiful and generous god who loved life and lived it to the full.” Irish language with English subtitles if you select them.
Is Mise Brid - Herstory
From the heart of Kildare, ‘Herstory’ calling on all counties and diaspora centres across the world to illuminate for the first official national holiday on Brigid’s Day 2023. From the shadows into the light, a joyous celebration of all Mná and the rise of the feminine for a more equal, balanced and better world.
Brigid's Way Pilgrimage
Those who honour Brigid, as a pre-Celtic Goddess or Christian Saint, come to walk in her footsteps as a way to find peace, connect with our ancestors and commune with the sacred land of Ireland. It has been an amazing journey with many people from the whole island and all over the world joining us to walk some or all of the Pilgrimage beginning at Brigid’s birthplace in Faughart, County Louth and finishing in her Monastic city, County Kildare.