Inquiries Welcome

  • EcoSomatics and Ancestral Recovery

    Workshop / Laboratory / Practice

    The living laboratory of Ecosomatic and Ancestral Recovery work is more vital than ever. Work with me in individual or small group spaces in person or online in the Chaplaincy of Homecoming, Ecosomatics for Faith Communities and Embodied Education custom dialogues / practice on topics alive for you and your communities.

    EcoSomatic research and practice can be a bridge to restoring the transmission of intergenerational wisdom.

  • Introduction to Authentic Movement

    The body is the home of feeling; the house of memory. To heal, we need access to it.” - Tina Stromsted, Authentic Movement Institute

    Authentic Movement explores the relationship between a mover and a witness, being seen and seeing…the mover listens inwardly and finds a movement arising from a hidden prompting, a cellular impulse. Gradually the invisible becomes visible, the inaudible becomes audible, and explicit form is given to the content of direct experience.”

    AM is a non-hierarchical approach to the skills available in non-verbal communication and the power of witness.

  • Holy Water, Sacred Flame: Embodying Brigid

    Brigid: Goddess, Woman and Saint is the emergent archetype of the new time. Join me in a 1 hour or half day workshop Embodying Brigid where we will work with Brigid’s Holy Water and Sacred Flame, songs for Brigid and dances for Brigid, A Woman of Peace.

  • A Chaplaincy of Homecoming

    For White Bodies in America: An opportunity for white bodies to examine their countries of origin, family stories, prejudices, and what we weren’t taught as descendants of those who assimilated.

  • 13 Moon Mysteries - A Woman's Journey Home

    When we come back into relationship with the cycles and the seasons we strengthen our resolve, deepen our practice and make meaningful changes in our lives, for those around us and for generations to come.

    This can be as structured or informal as needed. Tools will be provided to support your individual journey grounded in timeless wisdom.

    This is also appropriate for those on a vocational path.

  • Community Practice / Soma Celebrations

    Mapping out and creating seasonal celebrations to share in community brings cohesion, through honoring, witnessing and celebrating in the container of no-judgment.

    This can be a singular or cyclical convergence or support for the grounding and development of a regular community practice.