WoW Team & Recommended EVENTS

The people of Kildare, Ireland, call on people worldwide to Pause for Peace for 1 minute's silence/reflection at 12 noon, local time, on St. Brigid's day, February 1st each year. By pausing for Peace we send out a message that we actively oppose warfare and the proliferation of arms in our world.
A global Pause for Peace Movement was jointly launched by Kildare Tourism and Solas Bhride in Kildare in 2023 to mark the new national holiday in honour of St. Brigid who was renowned as a Peacemaker in early Ireland.

Brigid’s Day Devotion
“Living Wisdom: Meditations and Practices for a Compassionate Life” to support World Interfaith Harmony Week 2025.
Join us as we begin with 'Brigid's Day Devotion' on February 1st honoring Brigid through daily devotional practices, the lighting of the flame, through her inspiration as a universal Goddess, a Saint, and as a Woman of Peace. We will celebrate Her day with prayers, poems, stories, and songs and a moment of silence answering the call of the people of Kildare, Ireland for a Global Pause for Peace on Brigid's Day. All are welcome.

ALCHEMY - Elder Honoring. Elder Offering
Alchemy is a gathering of kindred souls who share a love of and dedication to movement as a path for awakening, transformation, connection, and liberation. The Elders who will be guiding the daily process each have decades of evolution on the dance floor of life, actualizing inwardly, interpersonally, and professionally. They understand the science and the magic of movement for human evolution. They have been tempered and emptied in such a way that the medicine of movement moves through them in original and inspired ways.
So often in the field of conscious dance, we orient towards what is new and shiny. This group is wrinkly and wonderous. Younger, newer teachers on the path will benefit from being taught and lovingly held by those who deeply embody what can only come with time.
We need our Elders.

Nature Temple
Thursday September 26th CLIMATE WEEK NYC, join us for a day-long of inspiring programming
Nature Temple: Reimagining Climate Action by Ancient Future Labs and Chilli App
We want to invite you to join us for the most refreshing event of Climate Week NYC, where nature, technology, art, and activism meet.
NATURE TEMPLE is a multidisciplinary project showcasing the critical role of activism, indigenous leadership, well-being, and creativity in catalyzing transformative climate action. As the urgency of the climate crisis escalates, we can no longer rely solely on rational data or more blah blah blah blah talks to inspire meaningful change.

What Does Water Want? Online Summit
A Free Online Summit About
Regenerating Ecosystems and Ourselves
Join us live from August 1-4 for expert teachings and conversations on ecological restoration and climate resilience, accompanying a limited online screening of the “Water is Love” documentary. Come learn with us and take an active part in the regeneration revolution!

Recommended: Indigenous Water Ethics
Indigenous peoples are the most impacted by decisions made about our waterways. Indigenous original instructions embedded in our languages and ancient stories, ceremonies and rituals maintain, sustain and protect biodiversity. We will have two panels of Indigenous speakers from various regions of the world. Speakers will address the central roles of Indigenous knowledges and Indigenous governance as real solutions. Speakers will connect Indigenous water ethics to Indigenous resurgence, sovereignty, self-determination, land rematriation and decolonization. The intention is to reclaim and recenter the historical practices and leadership of Indigenous peoples as indispensable governance and knowledge pathways to restoring ecosystems and achieving sustainability. International Indigenous water statements and declarations that reflect this will be discussed in this session.
Read about the Indigenous Water Ethics event on the New School blog.
Mona Polacca, Indigenous Environmental Network
Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
Dr. Darlene Sanderson, University of Northern British Columbia
Dr. Rawiri Tinirau, Te Atawhai o Te Ao
David John Groenfeldt, Water Culture Institute
Sidney Hill, Tadodaho, Haudenosaunee Confederacy
Betty Lyons, American Indian Law Alliance
Roberto Mukaro Borrero, Human Rights Advocate
Lynn Morrison and Tamara Archie, Qwelmínte Secwépemc
Leonardo Figueroa Helland, The New School
Presented by Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management, Indigenous Environmental Network, and Tishman Environment and Design Center.
This is an official parallel event to the United Nations Water Conference

Angel of the Waters Ceremony
On the afternoon of March 21, 2023, the eve of World Water Day and the opening of the United Nation’s Water Conference, an inspirational ceremony will take place at the Angel of the Waters Fountain in Central Park. The ceremony will celebrate the tangible and intangible value and enduring significance of water related cultural heritage around the world. Our goal is to ensure that culture is central to the international discussions on water management, as well as to inspire the delegates to the UN Water Conference to celebrate water as the source of life, and to understand the power of water to connect people, to enhance justice and to resolve conflicts.

The 30th Women of Wisdom Conference
Women of Wisdom is preparing to host their 30th annual conference honoring and celebrating the restoration of women’s wisdom to our world. This year’s event is dedicated to Yemanja, the Queen of the Sea of the Yoruban traditions. Women of the Water is excited to co-sponsor our WoW sisters for the second year and hope you will join us for a special gathering of women around the world working from the heart and with the water in mind.
Early Bird Member Price with annual membership payment until January 16, 2022.

Communities Caring for Water 2021
Communities Caring for Water Conference 2021 is a joint initiative between The Rivers Trust and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO). It’s an opportunity for people and communities engaged with their local water environment to share their stories and learn from others and takes place on Saturday 20 November 2021.
This year’s virtual conference will discuss forming new groups and actions we can take to make rivers projects successful .
Tickets are available now on Eventbrite: Communities Caring for Water 2021 Tickets, Sat 20 Nov 2021 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

European Rivers Summit
Women of the Water is attending the European Rivers Summit in person and online! We are excited to see the Water is Love animation included in film selections being screened during this 3 day event. Join us and learn more about the work of these European organizations working to free and rewild rivers of the EU.

Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Seminar Series
A seminar series to coincide with COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, that is taking place in Glasgow 31 October -12 November 2021.

Rights of Nature Tribunal
The 5th International Rights of Nature Tribunal will be held parallel to the UNFCCC- COP26 (Glasgow)
Hybrid event – online through Zoom and Facebook live

COP 26 Water Pavilion in the Blue Zone
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and Water Partners at COP26
To address the climate crisis effectively, the world needs to focus on water solutions. SIWI is bringing this message to the climate meeting COP26 where we are hosting the first-ever Water Pavilion with partners – and you are invited to JOIN US.

Water is Love Animation Premier
Join the ‘Water is Love’ team for the Animation premiere on November 1st at 6pm GMT | 2pm ET
with a live Q&A with the Film Team, the illustrator, Charlène Chesnier and sound designer of the animation track, Tamara Montenegro.
To register for this event:
Make sure you have pre-registered on this platform so you have access to the film during the premiere.
As part of the upcoming documentary series, Water is Love, we explore the crucial relation between water cycles and the climate. In this original and brand new 12 minute animation, we portray the healthy water cycle, the consequences of its destruction and how it can be restored.
During COP26, from now until November 12th, we're offering you this exclusive sneak preview of the animation.
We believe this is a crucial link that's so far been missing in the climate conversation. If the world can hear it this revolutionary message, it might change the direction of the climate movement from adaptation to regeneration, from centralized to decentralized solutions, from seeking tech-fixes to healing our relationship with the living Earth.
We are still crowdfunding to raise 50,000 euros so that we can complete the production of the documentary series. If you resonate with bringing water and love into the climate conversation...
DONATE HERE --> Every Drop Counts!

Water is Love Animation - Give & Share!
During COP26, from now until November 12th, the ‘Water is Love’ team is offering this exclusive sneak preview of the Docu-Series animation. See the animation preview here at Show and Tell - Give and Share during #COP26!
Help us complete this incredible tool for climate education through crowdfunding to raise 50,000 euros.We’re half way there! If you resonate with bringing water and love into the climate conversation...” DONATE HERE --> Every Drop Counts!

World Ocean Day
This year’s World Ocean Day is special in that it launches nearly a week of the 10 year anniversary of Global Water Dances. Learn more about what’s happening in our oceans on both these organization’s sites: and

Global Water Dances
2021 is our sixth Global Water Dances event and our 10th year working and dancing together for safe water. Because of this, Global Water Dances is extending our single day event into a full week of festivities.

World Water Day
World Water Day is a great time to visit your local water source! WoW will be providing a Tool Kit for getting to know your local water and tending it. In the meantime, check out the history of World Water Day and ways people celebrate worldwide at

Contemplative Dance Practice International
SAVE THE DATES! Practice alone or together, virtual or in-person, in private or shared with the international community!
Stay tuned to

29th Annual Women of Wisdom Conference
Women of the Water is delighted to be a co-sponsor of the
29th Annual Women of Wisdom Conference
Celebrating Spirit of Women - United We Are One!
Special Guests
Terry Tempest Williams and Luisah Teish
March 11 - 14, 2021 ~ ONLINE - It's an interactive virtual gathering for the very first time!

Womxn Act for Climate Justice - IWD Online Event
Recommended: Spend International Women’s Day learning with the Women’s Environmental & Climate Action Network.

A Decolonial Approach to Ireland's Ancient Culture and Landscapes
Recommended: Tuiscint na Talún can be translated as ‘wisdom of the land’; referring to the wisdom that the land itself holds. This means recognising the land itself as the most fundamental teacher in our lives, and actively seeking out the lessons it can share with us in a relationship based on reciprocity.

Natural Foundations in Circle Practice
Recommended: Introduction to Circle / Council Way with Rob Dreaming and Isabel Rosa. Begins February 19th.

Work That Reconnects - Despair & Empowerment in the Nuclear Age
Join Diane Swords, long time anti-nuclear activist and chair of the Nuclear Free World Committee of the Syracuse Peace Council and Emily Coralyne, facilitator of the Work That Reconnects for a two-hour spiral workshop that will address & celebrate the historic Nuclear Ban Treaty, and give space for us to feel through the oft-described despair when it comes to thinking about Nuclear war, weapons, and waste.