Angela Rose de Roos
Bioremediation / Water Wellness
Ashland, OR
Angela Rose fell into a well at the age of 5 and drowned. She was clinically dead for 45 minutes and after being revived lay in a coma for 3 days. During her time with source energy she experienced a crystal clear vision in which she united with star family in a circle of sound. Gifted with symbols and sight to see spirits often in color and light, she receives and transmits healing in the ways and waves of water. She has since been guided to study the ways of the water, and how we as humans interact with water, to purify and remediate water. Cultivating a deep listening to the living spirit of water has taken shape in her work as an organic farmer and permaculturalist, bodywork and injury specialist, movement and meditation teacher. Water in her many forms becomes our teacher, as we are healed by the earth, through our living tissues, ourselves and the waterways. She loves sharing songs with water, by waters, for water, while water walking with children, and teaching the sacredness of water.